Tuesday, May 2, 2023

what is the difference between @JsModule and @Javascript in vaadin ?

 @JsModule and @Javascript are both annotations in Vaadin that are used to import JavaScript files into your Java code. However, they are used in slightly different ways.

@JsModule is used to import an ES6 module that has been written in JavaScript or TypeScript. This annotation is used to declare the module name and path to the JavaScript file that contains the module. Vaadin automatically generates the necessary code to load the module at runtime and make it available in your Java code.

For example, if you have a JavaScript module called my-module.js in the frontend directory of your Vaadin project, you can import it into your Java code like this:

@JsModule("./frontend/my-module.js") public class MyView extends VerticalLayout { // ... }

@Javascript is used to import a regular JavaScript file that does not use the ES6 module syntax. This annotation is used to declare the path to the JavaScript file that you want to import. Unlike @JsModule, Vaadin does not generate any additional code for importing non-module JavaScript files.

For example, if you have a regular JavaScript file called my-script.js in the frontend directory of your Vaadin project, you can import it into your Java code like this:

@Javascript("./frontend/my-script.js") public class MyView extends VerticalLayout { // ... }

In summary, @JsModule is used to import ES6 modules, while @Javascript is used to import regular JavaScript files.

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