Saturday, April 29, 2023

why is schema.xml automatically renamed to managed-schema.xml in solr 9.2.0 ?

 Starting from Solr 7.0, the default schema file name was changed from "schema.xml" to "managed-schema", and this change was made for a few reasons.

Firstly, the name "schema.xml" implies that the schema file is a static configuration file that can only be updated by manually editing the file, which is not the case with the new schema management system. In Solr 7.0 and later versions, the schema can be updated dynamically using the Schema API or the Solr Admin UI.

Secondly, the new schema management system in Solr is designed to support multiple schema files, and the "managed-schema" name reflects the fact that Solr now manages the schema file rather than the user manually managing it.

Lastly, the "managed-schema" name also makes it clear that the schema is under Solr's control and should not be modified directly by the user.

Therefore, in Solr 9.2.0, the default schema file name is "managed-schema.xml" to reflect the new schema management system and to avoid any confusion with the older static schema configuration file.

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