Sunday, July 23, 2023

Deploying Jakarta EE on Payara Server & Maven vs. Embedded Server and Maven: Pros and Cons

Deploying Jakarta EE on Payara Server & Maven vs. Embedded Server and Maven: Pros and Cons


Deploying Jakarta EE applications is essential for Java developers, and there are multiple approaches to achieve it. Two popular methods are using Payara Server and Maven for traditional deployment, and employing an embedded server with Maven for a lightweight setup. Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages, and in this post, we'll explore the key differences between these two deployment strategies.

1. Traditional Deployment with Payara Server & Maven:

- Payara Server: Payara Server is a robust application server built on GlassFish Server Open Source Edition. It provides full support for Jakarta EE and MicroProfile standards and comes with enterprise-level features like clustering, high availability, and monitoring.

- Maven: Maven is a powerful build tool that manages project dependencies, compiles source code, and packages applications into distributable artifacts. It simplifies the build process and helps automate various tasks during development.


a. Production-Ready: Payara Server is designed for enterprise-level applications, making it a solid choice for deploying mission-critical applications.

b. Full Jakarta EE Support: With Payara Server, developers can take advantage of the entire Jakarta EE ecosystem and utilize a wide range of enterprise technologies.

c. Scalability: Payara Server's clustering capabilities enable horizontal scaling, ensuring high performance and availability.


a. External Server Dependency: Users need to install Payara Server separately, which might introduce additional prerequisites and complexities for running the application.

b. Heavier Footprint: Deploying on a standalone server can result in a larger application footprint, which may not be ideal for lightweight or simple projects.

2. Embedded Server and Maven:

- Embedded Server: An embedded server, like Payara Micro or Tomcat, allows developers to package the server within the application, making it self-contained and runnable without external server dependencies.

- Maven: As mentioned earlier, Maven is a build automation tool that streamlines the application's build process.


a. Simplified Development: Using an embedded server and Maven eliminates the need for a separate server installation, making it easier for developers to focus solely on the application code.

b. Lighter Footprint: The embedded approach results in a smaller application size, making it suitable for quick demos or microservices.

c. Easy Distribution: The self-contained nature of the application simplifies distribution and deployment.


a. Limited Features: Embedded servers may not support the full range of features provided by standalone servers like Payara Server.

b. Production Considerations: While ideal for development and testing, the embedded approach might not be the best fit for production environments that require advanced server features.


Choosing between deploying Jakarta EE on Payara Server & Maven versus using an embedded server and Maven largely depends on the project's requirements and objectives. For enterprise-grade applications requiring full Jakarta EE support, the traditional deployment approach with Payara Server is a reliable choice. On the other hand, for lightweight projects or development and testing purposes, opting for an embedded server and Maven provides simplicity and ease of use.

Ultimately, developers should carefully evaluate their specific needs, scalability concerns, and production requirements before making the final decision. Both approaches have their merits, and selecting the right one will ensure a successful and efficient Jakarta EE deployment process.