Sunday, May 21, 2023

Ultimate Guide: a Jakarta EE HelloWorld App with Payara Server & Maven! 🔥

Create a new Maven project:
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DgroupId=com.example -DartifactId=hello-maven-project

Navigate to the project directory:
cd hello-maven-project

Open the pom.xml file in a text editor and add the following dependencies inside the <dependencies> section:

Ultimate Guide: Accessing Payara Server Admin Console in Minutes! 🔥

The Payara Server Admin Console is a web-based management interface provided by Payara Server. It allows administrators to perform various management tasks, configure server settings, monitor server resources, and deploy and manage applications.

The Admin Console provides a user-friendly graphical interface that enables administrators to perform administrative tasks without the need for command-line interactions. It offers a range of features and functionalities, including:

Server Configuration: Administrators can configure various aspects of the server, such as network settings, security configurations, thread pools, connection pools, and more.

Application Deployment: The Admin Console allows users to deploy applications to the server. You can upload application archives (such as WAR or EAR files) and deploy them to specific server instances or clusters.

Monitoring and Metrics: It provides real-time monitoring of server resources, including CPU usage, memory consumption, connection pools, and thread utilization. The Admin Console also offers historical metrics and charts to analyze server performance over time.

Logging and Tracing: Administrators can manage server logs, configure log levels, and view log files directly from the Admin Console. It also supports log filtering and log rotation configurations.

Security Management: The Admin Console allows you to manage security-related settings, including SSL certificates, security realms, authentication mechanisms, and access control policies.

Clustering and High Availability: Payara Server supports clustering and high availability, and the Admin Console provides features to configure and manage clusters, including dynamic scaling, load balancing, and failover settings.

JDBC Connection Pools: Administrators can create and manage JDBC connection pools, configure connection settings, and monitor pool usage.

These are just a few examples of the features provided by the Payara Server Admin Console. It offers a comprehensive set of tools to manage and monitor your Payara Server environment efficiently.

Ultimate Guide: Installing Payara Server in Minutes! 🔥

Saturday, May 20, 2023

how to reverse a youtube channel shadow banning ?

 YouTube doesn't officially acknowledge or provide a specific process to reverse a shadow ban on a channel. Shadow banning refers to the practice of limiting the visibility or reach of a channel's content without explicitly notifying the channel owner. However, there are some general practices you can follow to potentially improve the visibility of your channel:

  • Review YouTube's Community Guidelines: Ensure that your channel and videos comply with YouTube's Community Guidelines. Violating these guidelines can lead to reduced visibility or even the removal of your content.

  • Quality content creation: Focus on creating high-quality and engaging content that resonates with your target audience. Consistency in uploading content and optimizing it for searchability can help improve your channel's visibility.

  • Optimize video metadata: Pay attention to your video titles, descriptions, tags, and thumbnails. Use relevant keywords that accurately describe your content, helping YouTube's algorithms understand what your videos are about and improving the chances of appearing in search results.

  • Engage with your audience: Encourage viewers to like, comment, and subscribe to your channel. Respond to comments and foster engagement with your audience. Engaged viewership can increase the likelihood of YouTube promoting your content.

  • Promote your channel: Utilize other social media platforms, your website, or other online communities to promote your YouTube channel and videos. Sharing your content on various platforms can help drive more traffic and increase visibility.

  • Network with other creators: Collaborating with other creators in your niche can help expose your channel to their audience, increasing your reach and visibility.

  • Seek feedback and improvement: Regularly analyze your video analytics to gain insights into audience behavior and preferences. Use this data to refine your content strategy and make improvements where needed.

  • Appeal to YouTube Support: If you believe your channel has been unfairly shadow banned, you can try reaching out to YouTube's support team. Explain your situation, provide evidence, and ask for a review. While there is no guarantee of a reversal, it's worth exploring this option.

Remember that YouTube's algorithms are complex, and there may be several factors contributing to reduced visibility. By following these practices, you can potentially improve the reach and visibility of your channel over time.

To reach maximum people , is it good to share on feed or story in facebook ?

 To reach the maximum number of people on Facebook, it's generally more effective to share content through your feed rather than stories. Here's why:

  • Visibility: Posts shared on your feed have higher visibility because they appear directly in the main content stream of your friends and followers. Feed posts are more likely to be seen as users scroll through their newsfeed. On the other hand, stories appear in a separate section at the top of the newsfeed and have limited visibility since they disappear after 24 hours.
  • Engagement: Feed posts tend to receive higher engagement compared to stories. Users are more likely to interact with feed posts by liking, commenting, and sharing them. This engagement can help increase the reach and visibility of your content as it shows up in the newsfeeds of users' friends and followers.
  • Longevity: Feed posts have a longer lifespan than stories. While stories disappear after 24 hours, feed posts remain accessible on your timeline and can be viewed by users even after the initial posting. This alongevity allows more people to discover and engage with your content over time.
  • Shareability: Feed posts can be easily shared by others, further increasing the potential reach of your content. Users can share your posts with their friends, amplifying the reach beyond your immediate network. Stories, on the other hand, cannot be shared externally.

That being said, stories can still be useful for sharing more casual or ephemeral content that doesn't require long-term visibility. They can offer a behind-the-scenes look, real-time updates, or spontaneous moments. It's recommended to use a combination of feed posts and stories to maximize your reach and engage different segments of your audience.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Solr : Indexing using CURL (SOLVED)

Solr : Indexing in Xml format using admin UI

Solr : Indexing in Json format using admin UI

Oracle SQL developer Error : No warning message but its automatically closed during installation.

 If  you're experiencing issues with Oracle SQL Developer installation. Here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try:

- Ensure system requirements: Verify that your system meets the minimum requirements for Oracle SQL Developer. Make sure you have a compatible operating system version and Java Development Kit (JDK) installed.

- Download the latest version: Visit the official Oracle SQL Developer website and download the latest version of the software. Sometimes, older versions may have compatibility issues with certain operating systems or Java versions.

- Check Java installation: Ensure that you have a compatible JDK installed on your system. Oracle SQL Developer requires Java 8 or later. Check that the Java installation is properly configured, and the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set correctly.

- Review installation logs: During the installation process, check if there are any log files generated that provide information about the error. Look for error messages or exceptions that might help identify the cause of the issue. The log files are typically located in the installation directory or in a separate "logs" folder.

- Run as administrator: Try running the installation program as an administrator. Right-click on the installation file and select "Run as administrator" to ensure that the installation process has the necessary privileges.

- Disable antivirus/firewall: Temporarily disable any antivirus or firewall software that might be interfering with the installation process. Sometimes, security software can prevent certain components or processes from being installed.

- Clean installation: If you have previously attempted to install Oracle SQL Developer, uninstall any existing installations and perform a clean installation. This ensures that any conflicting or corrupted files from previous attempts are removed.

Can we connect Oracle Developer to a running instance of Mysql ?

 No, Oracle SQL Developer is primarily designed for connecting to and working with Oracle databases. It does not provide native support for connecting to MySQL databases.

However, there are alternative tools available that are specifically designed for connecting to MySQL databases. One popular option is MySQL Workbench, which is an official graphical tool provided by Oracle for MySQL database administration and development. MySQL Workbench allows you to connect to a running instance of MySQL and perform various tasks such as executing queries, managing database objects, and designing database schemas.

If you need to work with both Oracle and MySQL databases, you may consider using different tools for each database system. Oracle SQL Developer for Oracle databases and MySQL Workbench for MySQL databases. This allows you to leverage the features and capabilities specifically tailored for each database platform.

Does Oracle SQL Developer needs a running instance of the Oracle to be installed separately ?

 No, Oracle SQL Developer does not require a separate installation of the Oracle database server to be running. Oracle SQL Developer is a standalone graphical tool for database development and administration. It can be installed and used independently of the Oracle database server.

However, to connect Oracle SQL Developer to an Oracle database, you will need the necessary connection details such as the hostname, port number, database name, username, and password. These details are required to establish a connection to the Oracle database server from Oracle SQL Developer.

Once you have the connection details, you can configure a new connection in Oracle SQL Developer and connect to the Oracle database server to perform various tasks such as executing SQL queries, managing database objects, and developing database applications.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

CURL installation in Windows 10

 Certainly! Here are five daily tips for programmers to enhance their productivity and effectiveness:

  1. Plan and prioritize your tasks: Start your day by creating a to-do list and prioritizing your tasks. Identify the most critical and time-sensitive projects or issues and allocate your time accordingly. Breaking down your work into manageable chunks will help you stay focused and organized throughout the day.
  2. Practice focused work: Minimize distractions and create a conducive work environment to maximize your concentration. Turn off notifications on your phone or computer, close unnecessary tabs, and find a quiet space to work. Consider using productivity techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, where you work in focused sprints followed by short breaks to maintain your productivity levels.
  3. Continuously learn and improve: The field of technology is constantly evolving, so it's crucial to stay updated with the latest developments. Dedicate some time each day to learn new programming languages, frameworks, or tools. Explore online resources, tutorials, and forums to expand your knowledge and skills. Additionally, consider participating in coding challenges or joining programming communities to engage with fellow developers.
  4. Write clean and maintainable code: Aim for writing clean, modular, and easily understandable code. Follow best practices and coding conventions specific to your programming language or framework. This will make your code more maintainable, readable, and less prone to bugs. Consider using code review tools or collaborating with colleagues to get feedback and improve your coding style.
  5. Take care of your physical and mental well-being: Programming can be mentally demanding, so it's essential to prioritize your well-being. Take regular breaks, stretch your legs, and practice physical exercises to prevent stiffness and eye strain. Additionally, make time for hobbies or activities that help you relax and recharge. Remember to maintain a healthy work-life balance to avoid burnout and maintain your productivity in the long run. Remember, these tips are not limited to just daily routines; they can be incorporated into your overall programming practices to foster continuous growth and success in your career.

Solr : Introduction to SCHEMA or MANAGED-SCHEMA

Monday, May 15, 2023

Is it faster and efficient to sort a list of data in the backend or the frontend ?

 The decision of whether to sort a list of data in the backend or frontend depends on various factors, including the size of the data, the available server resources, and the specific requirements of your application. Here are some considerations:

Sorting in the Backend:

  • Efficiency: Sorting large datasets in the backend can be more efficient if the backend server has more processing power and resources compared to the client devices.
  • Bandwidth: Sorting on the backend reduces the amount of data sent over the network since the sorted data is already prepared before sending it to the client.
  • Consistency: Sorting on the backend ensures consistent sorting across different client devices since the sorting logic is centralized.

Sorting in the Frontend:

  • Responsiveness: Sorting on the frontend allows for quicker rendering and immediate feedback to the user while waiting for other backend operations to complete.
  • Flexibility: Sorting on the frontend gives you the ability to provide different sorting options and let users dynamically change the sorting criteria without making additional requests to the backend.
  • Reduced Backend Load: Sorting on the frontend can offload the computational load from the backend server, allowing it to focus on other critical tasks.

In practice, it's common to utilize a combination of sorting in both the backend and frontend. For instance, if you have a large dataset, the backend can provide an initial sorting based on a default criterion. Then, the frontend can provide additional sorting options and perform sorting operations on the already retrieved data, offering flexibility and interactivity to the users.

Ultimately, the best approach depends on your specific use case, performance considerations, and trade-offs between backend and frontend capabilities. It's recommended to analyze the specific requirements and constraints of your application to determine the most suitable approach.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

what is the difference between @JsModule and @Javascript in vaadin ?

 @JsModule and @Javascript are both annotations in Vaadin that are used to import JavaScript files into your Java code. However, they are used in slightly different ways.

@JsModule is used to import an ES6 module that has been written in JavaScript or TypeScript. This annotation is used to declare the module name and path to the JavaScript file that contains the module. Vaadin automatically generates the necessary code to load the module at runtime and make it available in your Java code.

For example, if you have a JavaScript module called my-module.js in the frontend directory of your Vaadin project, you can import it into your Java code like this:

@JsModule("./frontend/my-module.js") public class MyView extends VerticalLayout { // ... }

@Javascript is used to import a regular JavaScript file that does not use the ES6 module syntax. This annotation is used to declare the path to the JavaScript file that you want to import. Unlike @JsModule, Vaadin does not generate any additional code for importing non-module JavaScript files.

For example, if you have a regular JavaScript file called my-script.js in the frontend directory of your Vaadin project, you can import it into your Java code like this:

@Javascript("./frontend/my-script.js") public class MyView extends VerticalLayout { // ... }

In summary, @JsModule is used to import ES6 modules, while @Javascript is used to import regular JavaScript files.