Saturday, May 20, 2023

To reach maximum people , is it good to share on feed or story in facebook ?

 To reach the maximum number of people on Facebook, it's generally more effective to share content through your feed rather than stories. Here's why:

  • Visibility: Posts shared on your feed have higher visibility because they appear directly in the main content stream of your friends and followers. Feed posts are more likely to be seen as users scroll through their newsfeed. On the other hand, stories appear in a separate section at the top of the newsfeed and have limited visibility since they disappear after 24 hours.
  • Engagement: Feed posts tend to receive higher engagement compared to stories. Users are more likely to interact with feed posts by liking, commenting, and sharing them. This engagement can help increase the reach and visibility of your content as it shows up in the newsfeeds of users' friends and followers.
  • Longevity: Feed posts have a longer lifespan than stories. While stories disappear after 24 hours, feed posts remain accessible on your timeline and can be viewed by users even after the initial posting. This alongevity allows more people to discover and engage with your content over time.
  • Shareability: Feed posts can be easily shared by others, further increasing the potential reach of your content. Users can share your posts with their friends, amplifying the reach beyond your immediate network. Stories, on the other hand, cannot be shared externally.

That being said, stories can still be useful for sharing more casual or ephemeral content that doesn't require long-term visibility. They can offer a behind-the-scenes look, real-time updates, or spontaneous moments. It's recommended to use a combination of feed posts and stories to maximize your reach and engage different segments of your audience.

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