Thursday, March 2, 2023

Difference between Component and Element options in Route of React ?

what is the difference between <Route path="" element="" /> and <Route path="" component="" /> syntax: ? 

The main difference between the <Route path="" element="" /> and <Route path="" component="" /> syntax in React Router is that the element prop is used to render a JSX element directly, while the component prop is used to render a React component.

When using the component prop, React Router creates a new instance of the specified component each time the route matches. This can be useful if you need to maintain component state or if you want to perform some initialization logic each time the component is rendered.

On the other hand, when using the element prop, React Router renders the specified JSX element directly, without creating a new instance of a component. This can be more efficient in some cases, since it avoids the overhead of creating a new component instance.

Additionally, the element prop is only available in React Router v6 or later, while the component prop is available in both



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