Monday, February 24, 2014

Production tips#3 : Could not connect to admin listener for Glassfish Server ...Verify that NetBeans can make outbound connections to localhost:4848

How did I even get into this ?
Initially as part of security policy that consist of regularly changing the port of the application, I change the port information under the domain.xml situated in C:\glassfishv3\glassfish\domains\domain1\config. When I launch my application I received the following error message:

Before going to the solution there some points that are worth to be mentioned.

Inside the C:\glassfishv3\glassfish\domains\domain1\config, there is a replicate of domain.xml that I believe to the compiled file resulted from  the domain.xml each time you start the server. That file is domain.xml.bak .  Any change you make in domain.xml should be reflected in that bak file for it to be effective.
 However other solution have been suggested so far but none of them work in my situation.


 If you have your glassfish embedded with netbeans, then just stop the glassfish server and restart netbeans .
 After restarting you should be able move on without any problem. Congratulation if you have succeeded otherwise throw some comment and I will assist you.

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