Friday, December 13, 2013

Difference between versions of Eclipse : Europa, Helios, Galileo ,etc

Bingo ! here we are. Why am I even blogging about Eclipse today ? The truth is that Eclipse sucks and I don't have any better option.  I am sure most of you guyz out there hate eclipse for so many reasons. Me particularly when its come to choose an IDE I always choose Netbeans before even thinking about Visual studio (PROGRAM NOT RESPONDING comment) or Eclipse. But the reality is that in many software companies Eclipse is being used. 
  Any way two days back I fell on OpenCV, after being amazed by its applications on computer vision, smart phones and robotics I decided to put matlab beside and explore these still unknown libraries. As you all all know the defacto and prime IDE for developing Android today is Eclipse. Same as opencv, many documentations and demo projects out there are on eclipse and C++.
  When it comes to different naming used by Eclipse, at first glance it is confusing. Are you going to use helios , juno, galileo or Europa ?  What is even the difference ?
 In fact Eclipse has it own way of versioning. Instead of using numbers say Eclipse 3.1 , Eclipse 3.2 , Eclipse 4.0 and etc it gives instead name to a particular version.

As you can see from the above table from Wikipedia these code names although appearing alphabetically as time goes on have no particular meaning.
 What I have observed is that these names are just simple version names. But feel free to drop a comment to add something or share your eclipse experience with us. A plus!!!

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